2025 Poultry Policy (1/15/25) – Please Read!
Minimum purchase of 3, maximum purchase of 12 with some exceptions. Chicks are available first come first served starting at 11am on the scheduled date. Please be aware, occasionally whole orders or breeds will be cancelled. We will update these changes on this page. Chickens are sexed to 90% accuracy. Ducklings are always straight run. All chicks are immunized against the 2 most common strains of Mareks and all birds are NPIP certified. All sales final.
~In Stock Now~
Chicks in stock:
Raising livestock is fun and rewarding, but requires preparation and commitment.
Prices: $6-9 for chicks depending on breed, ducklings are $9-12
Chick Schedule 2025
Subject to change according to demand and hatchery limitations.
All livestock sales are final. Ducklings are always straight run.
Friday February 7th
- Black Jersey Giants
- White Jersey Giants
- Chocolate Orpington
- Buff Orpington
Friday February 21st
- Production Reds
- California White
- Silver Laced Wyandotte
- Gold Laced Wyandotte
Friday March 7th
- Dark Brahma
- Light Brahma
- Easter Eggers
- Dominiques
Friday March 14th
- Buff Orpingtons
- Cinnamon Queen
- Barred Plymouth Rock
- Speckled Sussex
- Khaki Campbell Ducklings***
Friday March 21st
- Midnight Majesty Marans
- Olive Eggers
- Easter Eggers
- Mystic Onyx
Friday March 28th
- Rhode Island Red
- Salmon Faverolles
- Black Sex Links
- Barnevelders
Friday April 4th
- Black Jersey Giants
- White Jersey Giants
- Black Australorps
- Buff Brahma
Friday April 11th
- Chocolate Orpingtons
- Light Brahma
- Midnight Majesty Marans
- Blue Jersey Giants
- Pekin Ducklings***
Friday April 18th
- Blue Laced Wyandottes
- Starlight Green Eggers
- Easter Eggers
- Rhode Island Reds
Friday April 25th
- Black Jersey Giants
- White Jersey Giants
- Black Australorps
- Buff Brahma
Friday May 2nd
- Black Sex Links
- Mystic Onyx
- Cinnamon Queen
- Midnight Majesty Marans
Friday May 9th
- Salmon Faverolle
- Speckled Sussex
- Olive Egger
- Silver Laced Wyandottes
- Rouen Ducklings***
Friday May 16th
- Dark Brahma
- Buff Brahma
- Buff Orpingtons
- Chocolate Orpingtons
Friday May 23rd
- Golden Laced Wyandotte
- Production Red
- Barred Plymouth Rock
- Dominique
Friday June 6th
- Starlight Green Eggers
- California White
- Black Australorps
- Mystic Onyx
- Khaki Campbell Ducklings***
Friday June 20th
- Chocolate Orpington
- Cinnamon Queen
- Salmon Faverolle
- Dominique
Feel healthy and happy raising your own livestock!
Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing where your food is coming from by starting your own flock of chickens! Not sure how to get started? Stop in and ask one of our friendly staff members! We’ll help you find everything you need to get started. Or check out our extensive book section for more in-depth information and resources. In addition, we also offer a variety of all types of livestock supplies to help make raising your animals easier.